Areas of Practice

Divorce and Custody

Property Division

We understand that seeking a divorce lawyer may not have been part of your life plan. Whether you find yourself at the beginning or in the midst of what may be one of the most challenging life transitions, we are here to provide you with the support and guidance you need. We are dedicated to assisting you throughout the divorce process, and we are committed to helping you navigate this difficult journey. You don't have to face it alone.

Child Support

When it comes to child custody decisions, we understand that you face the difficult task of determining the best arrangement for your children. We are here to provide expert guidance and support throughout this challenging process.

Choosing the custodial parent is a significant decision that can impact your family's future. We can help you navigate the complexities of child custody laws, negotiate on your behalf, and strive to reach an arrangement that is in the best interests of your children.

We believe that your children's well-being is paramount, and we are committed to helping you find a solution that ensures their emotional and physical needs are met.

During a divorce one of the most critical aspects is the division of property. Our experienced team specializes in helping you navigate the complexities of property division during divorce proceedings. We understand that every situation is unique, and we work tirelessly to ensure that your interests are protected. Whether you're dealing with the division of real estate, financial assets, or personal belongings, our experts will guide you through the legal intricacies to achieve a fair and equitable resolution. We aim to minimize stress and uncertainty during this difficult time, allowing you to move forward with confidence and a clear understanding of your rights and options.


Dealing with the legal aspects of asset division and estate matters following the loss of a loved one can be an emotionally challenging and overwhelming process. We understand the importance of handling these matters with care and precision while respecting the wishes of the deceased.

Estate Planning

Our mission is to safeguard your loved ones and your assets through comprehensive estate planning. Life is an ever-changing journey filled with significant milestones—marriage, starting a business, welcoming new family members, navigating divorce, or transitioning into retirement. It becomes crucial to take a step back and consider the bigger picture. We can help you ensure that you have the necessary plans and documents in place to protect your assets and the people you care about.

Civil Litigation

Our team is here to help you pursue or defend your interests in a wide range of civil matters. Whether you're dealing with a contract dispute, personal injury claim, property dispute, or any other civil issue, we have the expertise and dedication to advocate for your rights.

Business Matters

We specialize in providing comprehensive legal solutions tailored to the unique needs of small businesses, from startups to established enterprises. We understand the complexities of corporate law, contracts, intellectual property, mergers and acquisitions, and more.